Thursday, October 19, 2017

3 Photography Tips for Beginners

When you start out in photography, it can be a bit of an overwhelming experience. After all, you not only need to have the appropriate gear to take high-quality images, but you also have to learn all the technical and artistic aspects of creating eye-catching photos. But with these photography tips, you’ll be able to set yourself up for success as a new photographer.

Photography Tip #1: Find Free Resources for Learning

Learning how to be a better photographer doesn’t mean that you have to enroll in expensive online courses or take a photography class at the local university. In fact, there are plenty of free, online photography resources that you can utilize to gain the technical and artistic skills mentioned in the introduction.

YouTube, for example, is a fantastic resource with many knowledgeable photographers putting out content on a weekly basis. You can learn all sorts of photography tips from how to use your camera to what lenses to buy to the essentials of composition for everything from landscape photography to portraiture to macro photography and everything in between. Just search “photography tips” and start learning!

Photography Tip #2: Work With the Gear You Have

One of the most common mistakes that new photographers make is going out and buying an expensive camera when, at this point, that’s not necessary. Even if all you have is your mobile phone, it’s still plenty of camera with enough features (especially with the right photography apps) to help you learn the ins and outs of photography.

Just hop on Instagram and search the hashtag #iphoneonly to see what I mean. There are some truly incredible photos being taken with nothing more than a phone. iOS and Android devices alike make fantastic cameras that offer the benefit of being easy to use, having tons of features (some even with manual exposure controls), with add-on accessories like lenses that make them even more functional.

Besides, you likely already have a smartphone, so just use what you have and when your skills outstrip your phone’s abilities, then move on up to a traditional camera.

Photography Tip #3: Take a Lot of Photos

It’s cliche to say it, but practice really does make perfect. You can read all the tutorials you want, watch all the videos YouTube has to offer, and join as many photography communities as you can, but nothing can match the experience of actually going out and taking photos.

By practicing a lot, you’ll not only be able to get familiar with your camera and how to manipulate its settings, but you’ll also learn the technical and artistic components of photography that are so crucial to your success.

By that, I mean that by taking a lot of photos you’ll develop your photographer's eye so you’ll begin to understand how to see light, how to work with shadows and contrast, how to use things like leading lines and strong subjects to create compelling images, and so forth.

Challenge yourself to take photos every single day. You don’t even have to take a lot of photos - a dozen or so will suffice. The point is to get into the habit of spending time honing your skills day in and day out, and with time, you’ll find that you become an ever more capable photographer.